Welcome to the DaenenDesign homepage.
The word “design” has to be interpreted in the broad positioning as defined in the Oxford Dictionary:
“Design: 1-Art of producing, sketch or plan for product. 2-Lines or shapes as decoration. 3-Layout.
4-Established form of product. 5-Mental plan; purpose.”
The dictionary gives following synonyms for “design”: “conceive, construct, create, delineate, devise, draft, draw, form, invent, lay out, make, map out, originate, outline, plan, project, propose, shape, sketch”.
These synonyms give a precise picture of the broad spectrum of possible “design-activities or approaches” which contrasts with the vertical segmentation often applied in the creative or art-world.
All creative expressions need a vision, a concept, and a design or (in the 5th definition): a mental plan & a purpose. “Design” forms the foundation ànd the umbrella of the creativity & the shaping process.
Bob Daenen’s oeuvre reflects this holistic creative vision, synergy and osmosis.
His life-long creative search through different disciplines reflect the many above mentioned synonyms:
Industrial design: conceive, invent, plan, shape…
Graphic design: form, lay out, originate…
Painting: create, project, sketch, outline…
3D-objects: conceive, create, construct…
Drawings: sketch, draft, draw, propose…
Writing: delineate, shape in words…
Photography: project, construct, outline…
These synonyms can be interchanged, pulling down the “walls” between creative “professions”, the segmentations or specializations. Those are “vertical” (fragmented) while “creativity” is by definition “horizontal” (open, integrated &growing) and has no walls, no limits.
Nevertheless we will use above creative disciplines for clarity and readability.
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